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Posts Tagged ‘Cate Blanchet

I spent this last Saturday having a very diverse experience. In the early afternoon I went and saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and then that night I went to see Bill Engvall preform live. What an interesting day it made, from a somewhat high-brow epic of a movie to one of the guys from Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

So, what did I think of Benjamin Button? Well my main comment is it’s really long. The movie is well filmed and well acted. Cate Blanchett was great as the female lead, Daisy. She plays the character from about age 17 on. I was impressed at how consistently she played the character, while still showing the maturing and aging of the character. The makeup and effects where astounding.

I love New Orleans as the setting and it seemed to add an element of believability to the story and the characters. I did feel that the Katrina timing was a bit contrived. I think it would have been a better film if it had been about 30 minutes shorter.

Now, on to Bill Engvall. I laughed so hard that night, my eyes watered. It was a last minute decision to go see him. I got my ticket the night before the show. I had seen him on Comedy Central with the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and figured he would be funny, but that I might already know some of the jokes. I was pleasantly surprised at how much of his material seemed to be off the cuff. The first joke of the night was how he knew where Cupertino was because he can’t change the weather display on his iPhone.

He told stories about his wife, his fans, and even his colonoscopy. It seemed like he had a wealth of material and stories in his mind and was sharing them as he felt like. I have to say he was worth the price and I will go see him again.

So overall review:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Between Mantinee price and Netflix
Bill Engvall: Worth full price

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May 2024