Does that make sense??

I finally decided to embrace my geekness and purchase a domain for a blog. I now write (as often as I can remember) at:

When I saw that Cheryl Klein had posted her review of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (P&P&Z), it reminded me that I hadn’t posted about my thoughts on the book.

I got my copy of the book in audio form because I needed something new to listen to at  work (got to love I enjoyed the narrator, the formal tone she used made me laugh at the  “unmentionables”.

Spoiler Alert

I thoroughly enjoyed the first few chapters. The zombie fight in the middle of the country dance was amusing. I couldn’t help but laugh envisioning the Bennett sisters as Shaolin warriors decapitating and slaughtering zombies. I enjoyed the way that the author seemed to just insert the zombies without altering much of the story in the beginning.

As the story went on, the alterations became more frequent, more annoying, and just not needed.  When the author chose to make Charlotte Lucas a unskilled, non-fighter, I questioned why Elizabeth would be such good friends with her.

The author use of honor as a way of starting fights was really quite annoying and just didn’t fit the characters. Elizabeth seemed to become a violent cold killer and that didn’t match the rest of the story. When the Darcy’s first proposal became a physical fight between the two, it lost all the effect of Elizabeth’s words. Lady Catherine’s ninja’s and propensity for violence seemed to lose the false elegance that she had in the original novel. I would forgive the changes if they enhanced the story or made me laugh, but they did neither.

So what is my final verdict: Great try, but not a bullseye.

Yes, the rumors are true. Lego announced that they are adding Lego: Harry Potter to the Lego video game franchise. The game trailer is below:

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Now I just have to wait till 2010.

Here are some new clips and trailers to make up for my lack of posts the past couple of weeks.

New Moon Trailer (From MTV Movie Awards):

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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Clip (From MTV Movie Awards):

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Update: Chuck has gotten the pick up for season three. Only bad news, we have to wait till mid-season.

Save the show campaigns always get interesting. There was the Jericho fans that sent in peanuts, fans ads in variety and other interesting campaigns. I stumbled upon on campaign yesterday that I decided to put my name and money behind, Save Chuck!

I got into Chuck due to a good friend telling me I would like it and lending me the first season. Well, I’m now officially hooked. Some of the other fans have gotten together to do a campaign to get the show renewed by donating to the American Heart Association in the name of Chuck Bartowski.

Love Chuck?? Want to help? Head to the link below for instructions on how to donate in Chuck’s name.

Have a Heart - Renew Chuck

Have a Heart - Renew Chuck


Posted on: April 30, 2009

A few years back I was asked in a interview something along the lines of “how comfortable are you learning new software?” I calmly and with as much attitude as was acceptable, this was a job interview, said “I can learn any software.” Well, those words came back to haunt me recently.

For the last couple of years my career has been focused on developing online learning materials. You know those online classes, we all have to take on safety in the work place or defensive driving.  I build these materials using a number of different tools, that then output the materials into online learning compliant Flash files. So for the last two years I have been asking my manager if I could take a Flash class. This year I finally got my wish.

I signed up for the online Flash course offered through Adobe. I did the first part of the course with no problems. Thinking in frames instead of time or space was a change, but I got it. Then I started the second part FlashScript…..Suddenly the class was talking about classes and objects and functions, Oh My! I don’t have any experience in programming. The closest I’ve gotten to coding was HTML web pages.

I’ve been able to complete the class, but I will never again say I can learn any software.

I’ve been doing some thinking and debating about my blog for the last little while (at least that is my excuse for not posting for quite a while) and I finally decided that I’m going to stick with just writing my ramblings.

So here is the first ramble in a while, Tinted Windows first album is out today!! I’ve been a Fountains of Wayne fan since before Welcome Interstate Managers came out and I dig Adam Schlesinger’s other band Ivy, so when he announced that he would be part of the super-group Tinted Windows, I had to check it out.

I love Power Pop! I don’t know why, maybe it was too much music exposure in the 80’s. I love a good 3 minute pop song that you can thump the beat on your steering wheel too. When I first listened to Kind of a Girl on the Tinted Windows site, I was hooked. I was completely willing to overlook that one of the brothers from Hanson was in the band. So when I checked today and found that they where streaming the whole album, I was excited.

I needed something new to listen to and it is  just what I needed, good pop songs that keep me going. Is it as good as Welcome Interstate Managers or Traffic and Weather, proably not, but it is a solid power pop album and I’m happy with that.

I spent this last Saturday having a very diverse experience. In the early afternoon I went and saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and then that night I went to see Bill Engvall preform live. What an interesting day it made, from a somewhat high-brow epic of a movie to one of the guys from Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

So, what did I think of Benjamin Button? Well my main comment is it’s really long. The movie is well filmed and well acted. Cate Blanchett was great as the female lead, Daisy. She plays the character from about age 17 on. I was impressed at how consistently she played the character, while still showing the maturing and aging of the character. The makeup and effects where astounding.

I love New Orleans as the setting and it seemed to add an element of believability to the story and the characters. I did feel that the Katrina timing was a bit contrived. I think it would have been a better film if it had been about 30 minutes shorter.

Now, on to Bill Engvall. I laughed so hard that night, my eyes watered. It was a last minute decision to go see him. I got my ticket the night before the show. I had seen him on Comedy Central with the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and figured he would be funny, but that I might already know some of the jokes. I was pleasantly surprised at how much of his material seemed to be off the cuff. The first joke of the night was how he knew where Cupertino was because he can’t change the weather display on his iPhone.

He told stories about his wife, his fans, and even his colonoscopy. It seemed like he had a wealth of material and stories in his mind and was sharing them as he felt like. I have to say he was worth the price and I will go see him again.

So overall review:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Between Mantinee price and Netflix
Bill Engvall: Worth full price

With the holidays now over and life mostly back to normal, I thought it was time to post. On New Years Eve (before heading up to the city for New Year’s celebrations) I went with two good friends to see Doubt. All us had wanted to see the movie and even better we had three free passes.

During the after movie “did you like it?” discussion and ride home, it was determined that it was a good movie with good acting. We all agreed that this was a thinking movie. Doubt is one of those films that you come out and your brain is going a mile a minute trying to process it.

I enjoy thinking movies, (though I have to be in the right mood). I am always impressed when a film can leave me thinking about more then just where I want to go for dinner.  This film made me think about the assumptions I make about people, and their actions. Though the theme of the film was a bit heavy handed, it still made its point.

Spoilers Ahead!!

During the post film discussion an interesting thing happened. The two friends I had gone to see the film with are both teachers (one currently teaching high school and the other a former high school teacher now in graduate school). Both of them thought the priest should be removed from the school. They felt the relationship was inappropriate, even though they where unsure if anything inappropriate had actually taken place. In contrast, I left the film still unsure whether the priest had done anything wrong, and ready to give the man the benefit of the doubt.

It was interesting to me that both these friends saw the same thing. I’m not sure why they saw it, but I personally think it was because of their backgrounds as high school teachers. In their daily dealings with teenagers they have seen the results of abuse in many forms. This background I believe give them a desire to keep children away from anything that may cause them harm.

So overall my review is: Worth $10 admission

I’ve been living back in the world of Harry Potter the past few weeks.  I have bought and read the new Beedle the Bard stories from J. K. Rowling and Melissa Anelli’s book, Harry, A History. It has been great fun to be back in that world and I wanted to leave you my 2 cents on the books.

Beedle the Bard

I had heard much about the five stories that make up Beedle the Bard when one of the original books was auctioned. Amazon, the final buyer, was kind enough to all us Harry Potter fans to post summaries of the stories.

Even thought I knew the stories, I still greatly enjoyed the book.  If felt like reading a series of fairy tales, which had not been Disney-fied. I enjoyed all the stories, but I must say I found the Fountain of Fair Fortune my favorite. I too have always found that I learned more on journey then at the end.

Harry, A History

I was quite excited to read Melissa Anelli’s book ,Harry, a History. I’ve been a fan of PotterCast and the Leaky Cauldron website for quite a while.

I’ve been a bit a very tiny member of the Harry Potter fandom for a number of years and I was quite excited to see the fandom from her eyes. I greatly enjoyed her story of meeting J. K. Rowling for the first time. It was fun to see someone who has fans, act like a fan.

Though much of the book dealt with Ms. Anelli’s experiences directly, the book still provided a insiders look at the fun and chaos that makes up the Harry Potter fandom. Ms. Anelli’s writing style is very open. She makes the reader feel like she is talking with them and simply adding a story to the conversation. I’m excited to see what she does next. A definite good read.

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